My name is Liz James and I own and manage Witney Pony Partners. We currently have 13 horses and ponies - find them on our meet the team page.
I've loved horses since I first sat on one when I was three and finally got my own pony when I was eleven.
In 1998 I bought Wenamun , an Irish Cob, at Stow fair. He was only eighteen months old and a bit of a handful but it was OK as long as we were doing what he wanted (eating or standing still) but by the time he was ten his behaviour was so bad people were telling me he should be put to sleep.
That was when I found Parelli Natural Horsemanship. I loved the Parelli programme so much I decided to train and become an instructor and so to learn quickly I bought Spirit-the little mare in the picture.
In 2012 I attended a Parelli fast track course in the UK, and then attended the 1* instructor course at the Parelli ranch in Colorado.
I no longer teach the Parelli Programme but am grateful for the foundation which it gave me.
I had so much fear and struggle with Weni-I just didn't understand him-and saw so many other people with 'difficult' horses who got hurt or gave up riding because they lost their confidence. That's why in 2014 I bought 2 more ponies and opened Witney Pony Partners-to share what I'd learnt and teach children and adults to understand and have fun with their horses and ponies :)
Weni is still with me; he is now 26 years old and teaches the little kids how to ride. He's everyone's favourite!
I love helping nervous riders and encouraging people to do more with their horses than just riding. My original career was in Biomedical Science, and this background has enabled me to explore and incorporate scientific evidence into our programme, and into the care of our equines. Equine welfare is very important to me.
Level 2 award in Equestrian Coaching.
Level 2 Understanding Autism.
Advanced Practitioner certificate in Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
Master Practitioner certificate in Mindfulness.
BSc. Applied Biology.
Fellowship of the institute of Biomedical Sciences.
Diploma in Equine Psychology.
I am currently studying a Foundation Degree in Animal Behaviour, and a classical dressage course.